
Birthday Celebration

So today is my birthday, and, although, I know I am relatively young...I feel old.  I remember the good ol' days of waking up on Saturday mornings to watch some cartoons.  School work was so simple a little addition there and a little reading there.  Then moved to High School where the weekends began filling up, but basically no stress (at least looking back it was not stressful).  Then College was a bit more busy and classes required me to study.  Now that I am in Grad School living on my own I feel as if I have no time whatsoever to myself and life just seems so much more.

The best part though is that I love it so much, this feeling old, I love it.  The ability to fix whatever I want whenever I want is in one word: awesome.  Having my own apartment the way I want and able to do whatever I want is again in one word: awesome.  So needless to say feeling old comes with the feeling of awesome.  Now I need to be clear by the word awesome I mean its actual definition.  The ability to be awe inspired, not the laxidasical definition that this modern day has imposed...again a feeling of being old.

Well as I stated yesterday I am going to begin a challenge tomorrow for myself for the following month.  The challenge will be to eliminate all sugary drinks from my diet...so no Mt. Dew.  I will also be kicking out any alcoholic beverages except for when I am out, cause I don't want to be antisocial.

Laters, 'til tomorrow.


The Start Over

I have attempted this whole blog thing two times before, this being my third try.  Hopefully, this time I can make it stick.  Both times before I tried to make it as academic as possible and failed, so I am going to go for the personal route.  I want to be a better person...through my eyes...and one way is to be more open.  I figured the more open I am about what I am doing, whether it is working out, watching some Netflix, or thinking about a book I have just read I will be held accountable for it all.

Now this post is going to be a bit on the lazy side because in one hour it will be my Birthday.  In all honesty I am not looking forward to tomorrow because it is going to be a bit longer with classes and such.  But tomorrow night, that I am excited about.  I get to go to a UNC basketball game.  To be honest this will be my first college basketball game.  Well I am off, but I want to leave with another claim, or a challenge for myself.  At the beginning of each month I will set a goal to maintain for a whole month, in hopes that whatever the goal is I will make a habit of it.

Laters all.